четверг, 15 августа 2013 г.


The word derives from the English word'' hockey'' hoocked (curved). For a long time, a number of specialists believed that'' hockey'' would come from French'''' hocquet them (club pastor). The game, however, is not of English origin. The English have only to label it'' and'' bandy to add a new rule, after the model of our old games seen on the continent. Existence is tied hockey skating because undoubtedly people skated before playing hockey.
Chroniclers of the twelfth century, tell that to move more easily on frozen lakes, as soldiers used a cut bone ends and the boots. These bones appear to be ancestors of skates and skating soldiers first.
During the Renaissance, Flemish engravers and painters have immortalized the charming images of people gliding gracefully on frozen lakes and rivers of the Netherlands.
By 1498, Brugman Iohan made a woodcut, representing a figure skater who loses balance and falls on ice. A few years later, the painter A. Van der Neer has a painting entitled "Young" playing ball on the frozen river.'' Interestingly, these young "players" using some sticks bent at the ends. In northern Germany, as early as the sixteenth century, ice games have gained a more formal, because they had some rules.
Gradually, these games have spread to Belgium, France, England. The English have applied rules football and rugby, sports that were practiced in the island since then.
With colonial expansion of the British Empire, this sport called bandy'' then'' was taken by British soldiers overseas, in Canada.
In the winter of 1860 infantry regiment'' English'' Royal Canadian Rifles was ordered by quartering in Kingston harbor. Some British soldiers were few players bandy (9 in number) who have formed a team named after the regiment. She even laughed train port. As in Kingston, in the town of Halifax were held bandy team, you probably exist in other places. The formation of these teams took the time to organize matches between militia units. But games were very tough. Because of this character, but the game long time (3:00), matches often ended with abandoned before the final whistle, causing many accidents are the practically unavailable to continue the game.
The equipment was inadequate hardness sport players (pants and gloves soldierly usual). Also, it was hard pressed rubber and clubs made of ash or oak. Matches are played both in harbors, rivers and lakes frozen lands and landscaped courtyards barracks.
Over time the rules have changed, meaning that injured players can be replaced. A few years later entered the game aa and universities. According to the rules since then, each team consisted of 9 components, the party held for a period of 180 minutes, and the teams were allowed to change three players injured.
In 1880, of Montreal, was founded the first association for Amateur Hockey Association'''' Montreal. Its president, RF Smith (a former player) has proposed new rules of the game, and replacing the round ball square puck (puck word'' home'' is English and means elf). This new regulation known as the'' game'' hochey structurally modified Formerly practiced playing bandy''''. Was also increased emphasis passes, which could not be transmitted than sideways or backward advanced player can not benefit from them. In terms of land, it was divided into two halves, like rugby or other sports games.
In anul1888 team held its first tournament in Montreal, where he invited several teams from Canada, to demonstrate the new rules of the game and especially benefits'' hockey puck'' What makes more attractive, while reducing risk prezentatde used to bandy round ball, flying over the heads of players, twisting them often.
As team M.M.A. only 7 have good players, it was proposed that the number of players to be 7. thus born Canadian hockey after Smith system.
Parallel founded a new organization,'''' Ontario Hockey Association, which included almost all the teams in Canada. The first official meeting was held in Kinkston, in 1888, between a selected university and military school team war. We played with the puck square (solid rubber). Players wore white pants, skates (invented by Jakson Heines) with steel blades, which were higher and slipped quickly by printing a fast pace game.
In this period it became the most important hockey sport in Canada. Appeared stadiums with stands that housed thousands of spectators. Land was marked by new rules, the puck has become flat and round; clubs have started to officially legetimeze players, the Regulation has introduced a new paragraph in connection with transfers. In a word, hockey in Canada has become a well organized sport.

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